Hello Nutcracker fans, we just ran across a great site Historic Nutcrackers.com, hand made nutcrackers all the way from Germany, and at a great price. This is so heartwarming to see the craft still going after all these years. Oh and by the way, last night the elves made a greeeeat!!! Batch of gingerbread cookies, each one came out perfect, well at least the one's I didnt make that is lol, So I hope with only 2 more days till Santa makes his flight across the world to all the girls and boys who have been so good this year, that you have your own cookie recipe prepared for Santa. Well just wanted to say hello and hope all of you are checking the site out with all the free goodies for the kids to enjoy. And still not too late to write your letter to Santa either. He's actually still reading them as he does every year right up to the last toy request.
This site is about Christmas, and collectables, Nutcrackers and imagination. When we were kids and lost in the land of make believe. Now all of us can make the journey. Let the world of the Nutcracker take you there
Created for all:With a touch of magic

Since the 11th century
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Turn your naughty into nice
This year Santa wanted us to bring this tid bit of info to you. First we have discovered after doing a scan of the naughty and nice lists, he discovered that the naughty outshined the nice. Now whether it be bullying, treating your parents with disrespect, your siblings, or a stranger or teacher, he knows that although you may feel he doesn't exist, oh be very careful for he indeed does. To treat someone with disrespect is easy, any common animal can treat something this way. It's the real tough guys and girls who stand up against such treatment of others and speaks out against it. Only those who feel sorry for themselves inside, or who feel that the only way to get attention, act out this way. This is unacceptable behavior in Santa's eyes and in ours. Letters that have poured into our headquarters, report mistreatment, rude behavior on the part of others, depression, sadness, loneliness, unhappiness and most of all anger. Kids we understand that there are times when life throws curves when all we know how to hit are slow balls. We know that there are times when your parenrts don't listen to what you are saying either because they don't have the time, or don't take interest. This is where you have to be the general of the toy soldiers and reach deep without yourself to find courage and strenght. This isn't the times to throw a tantrum, or be a bully to others to hide your own shame or anger. This is the time to use your emotions for good, not for bad. No one ever felt good by being evil to another. Those who say so are giving you false hope in something that doesn't exist. So the next time you feel unaccepted, or mistreated, or even angry, find someone else to listen and let them know how you feel, don't bottle it up inside, there are people who care and who will understand what your feeling inside.
This year Santa wanted us to bring this tid bit of info to you. First we have discovered after doing a scan of the naughty and nice lists, he discovered that the naughty outshined the nice. Now whether it be bullying, treating your parents with disrespect, your siblings, or a stranger or teacher, he knows that although you may feel he doesn't exist, oh be very careful for he indeed does. To treat someone with disrespect is easy, any common animal can treat something this way. It's the real tough guys and girls who stand up against such treatment of others and speaks out against it. Only those who feel sorry for themselves inside, or who feel that the only way to get attention, act out this way. This is unacceptable behavior in Santa's eyes and in ours. Letters that have poured into our headquarters, report mistreatment, rude behavior on the part of others, depression, sadness, loneliness, unhappiness and most of all anger. Kids we understand that there are times when life throws curves when all we know how to hit are slow balls. We know that there are times when your parenrts don't listen to what you are saying either because they don't have the time, or don't take interest. This is where you have to be the general of the toy soldiers and reach deep without yourself to find courage and strenght. This isn't the times to throw a tantrum, or be a bully to others to hide your own shame or anger. This is the time to use your emotions for good, not for bad. No one ever felt good by being evil to another. Those who say so are giving you false hope in something that doesn't exist. So the next time you feel unaccepted, or mistreated, or even angry, find someone else to listen and let them know how you feel, don't bottle it up inside, there are people who care and who will understand what your feeling inside.
Don't let depression or sadness this year ruin your holiday
Good Morning and Happy Sunday to all of you! Today's post is more of a thought than a happening. This post is aimed at all of your young and old who are feeling the holiday economic woes. You know of whom I speak of. All of us know the feeling you are now feeling, then bitterness, the sadness, the fear. One thing I know is persepctive means everything. When you are feeling down, look around you, at others who are facing the same or worse than yourself. Go to them, speak to them. A wise elf once said that the way to conquor your own sadness is by helping another worse off than yourself. In that moment you realize just how blessed you are. I recieved a call the other day from a young man no more than 30 who had been involved in an fortunate accident, thereby losing all feeling from the neck down. He had up until that point what he thought was everything, great job, nice house, luxery car, nice family. Soon, he lost all of it over the bitterness he allowed to consume him from within. His family tried so hard to reach out to him, but he pushed this away time and again. His job required all of his bodily functions and though disibility insurance helped he soon lost it too. The house, the car, left only with his parents, his old pickup truck and his woes. But you know what happened next? Through the goodness of others and the Lord's will, he discovered something. There were others out there just like himself, some worse. He soon became involved in a volunteer group that his father had told him about, helping out others through lectures, telling his story, just talking to others who were facing the same struggles. Soon his bitterness turned to thankfulness, and his misfortune, a valuable lesson to others. His wife returned, his job now was that of speaker, counselor, mentor. When I spoke to him, the voice on the other line wasn't angry, or sad, or even lonely. It was that of praise for those who had it worse off than he had. It was a voice who praised God daily for the opportunity to help others who otherwise would have been lost. He soon realized that he wasn't the victim in this strange unanswered chain of events that took him down a dark road, but instead he was the guide for others to follow, the light that gave them hope and understanding when there were no answers to be found.
I came away from that conversation a more thankful person. Not thankful, that I was able to use all my hands and arms, but that I had the chance to speak to him, to talk to someone who actually gets what life is truly about. During this Holiday season, most of all, let us not dwell on our own mistfortunes or bad luck, or complain that we don't have enough, for look through the window of someone elses's troubles and uncover ways to make their day a little better. Don't dwell always on those who have more than we..for when you see through the glow of the lights, there well may be a dark corner where they truly set, alone, unhappy, selfish or filled with bitterness. Those are the one's who need cheering up the most.
So find the inner elf within you and find someone who needs a friend, a conversation, a gift from the heart. It may just be the medicine to cure your own Holiday woes..
I came away from that conversation a more thankful person. Not thankful, that I was able to use all my hands and arms, but that I had the chance to speak to him, to talk to someone who actually gets what life is truly about. During this Holiday season, most of all, let us not dwell on our own mistfortunes or bad luck, or complain that we don't have enough, for look through the window of someone elses's troubles and uncover ways to make their day a little better. Don't dwell always on those who have more than we..for when you see through the glow of the lights, there well may be a dark corner where they truly set, alone, unhappy, selfish or filled with bitterness. Those are the one's who need cheering up the most.
So find the inner elf within you and find someone who needs a friend, a conversation, a gift from the heart. It may just be the medicine to cure your own Holiday woes..
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Mrs Clauses's favorite Christmas Poems
Hi there, Tonight we Nutcracker Elves have been really busy trying to build Santa's prized nutcracker's in time for the trip....however Cindy our elf in training came across some of Mrs Clause's favorite Christimas poems and I'm not certain if any of you are interested in Christmas poems or not, but she wanted to share some of them. Oh by the way, next week, beginning on Thursday we will be starting our video blogging which will highlight myself and other elves videoing out messages daily instead of typing them. So be sure to take down our website address and tune in daily. Ok, Cindy is telling me to stop chatting and add the poems sooo here goes. hope you enjoy them.
IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMASI write this in September
And I can already see my breath
Because the temperature is falling
To fifty degrees or less;
There are frosted mornings
And skies are turning gray;
Next thing, there'll be snowdrifts
Fit for a sleigh.
In stores, they're gearing for Halloween
With pumpkins on display;
After October 31, we'll count the days
To shop til Kris Kringle Day;
Just when I thought the craze was over
And the presents were put away,
Alas! I hear Santa "ho-hoing",
It's nearly Christmas Day.
Christmas is a magical time,
Is there any doubt?
But I'm going to need a psychotherapist
To get my anxeties out!
The sugarplums might be dancing,
But they're messing up my mind;
The silver bells aren't doing much
To help me unwind.
September comes and October goes,
November is just a glance;
Once again, there'll be invitations
To another holiday dance;
I'll decorate the Christmas tree
With icicles, stars, and lights,
But I'll need a ton of eggnog
To get me through this night!
--Joel Bjorling, Gilson, USA Age 58
Go to the top

There is one last present under the Christmas tree,
I wonder whose it is?
Is it for the little girl with the rocking horse,
Or is it for Grandma or Aunt Liz?
It looks so lonely,
Sitting there by itself;
It’d certainly be an awesome addition
On "somebody’s" shelf.
The ribbon is gold,
The paper is paisley red;
"Who does it belong to?"
Keeps rattling in my head;
I decided to snatch a peek,
And see whose name is on the card;
It’d only take a second,
It won’t be very hard.
When no one was looking,
I reached under the tree,
Carefully handling the package,
"Who knows, it may be for me!"
But when I read the card,
I thought it was extraordinarily odd,
Because the message read,
"Love and blessings," God.
--Joel Bjorling
Go to the top

A Christmas Kiss
Rejoice that we are all together
For a day like this.
Two things keep us happy, warm
A Christmas hug from you my dear
And in return a Christmas Kiss.
Merry Christmas from the heart,
To ones I hope will never part.
Go to the top

I Wish That I Could Wrap Up Christmas
I wish that I could wrap up all the love and Holiday cheer
That comes along with Christmas and with New Year's every year,
Pack it in a pretty box and put it on my shelf
And pull it down again each year and give it to myself.
I wish that I could tie up all my favorite carols with twine,
Wind around some ribbon, too, and for twelve months call them mine
Until the next Yuletide came when the sounds again could be unfurled
And untie every single one then give them to the world.
Go to the top

Reason for the Season
When eggnog's generously filling
Each and every Christmas mug
And siblings tour miles and miles
To greet you with a hug
There's scarce else I'll be wishing
Than this simple little prayer
Of peace and calm and blessings much
On Christmas Day this year.
Go to the top

Bundled Bird
Bundled bird,
It is Christmas time, so sing for us again.
Beautiful bird,
With magical rhyme, bring us smiles again.
Hold us please,
With every word, bundled bird,
Shake the snow,
Spread your wings, sing and let us in.
Bundled bird,
Warm from the storm; share your melody
It is Christmas time,
Sing once more and we will always love thee.
Go to the top

Again That Time of Year is Here
Again that time of year is here
When wreaths elves lights appear
The hue of Santa's suit and sleigh
Adding color the wintry skies of gray
Until pansies roses tulips grow
Melting all of the Season's snow
But I like holly gifts Advent more
Than all that springtime holds in store
For it's this I'll tell you I so adore:
Again that time of year is here
When wreaths elves lights appear.
Go to the top

Three Wise Men
Three wise men knowing not who you are
Ride across the desert following only a star.
Three wise men in honor of your birth
Ride across the desert chanting, "Peace on Earth".
Three wise men, wise by God's own hands
Ride across the desert traveling from distant lands.
Listen baby Jesus, sacred gift from Heaven handed down to Earth
Three wise men ride tonight to see your Holy mirth.
Go to the top

The Winter Heart
Wish but one wish when winter comes,
Dream but one dream of the past.
The light from a fire is in all our homes
But the flames from the hearth won't last.
For faint and few are the embers,
Snuggle up and keep on your gloves;
What the Winter Heart always remembers
Is the warmth of a heart that loves.
Go to the top

I walk the wicked winter wind
I walk the wicked winter wind
That dances up like nightlife
And almost am turned as snow is
To hibernate
Just one last time within your arms.
Go to the top

A Christmas Limerick
There once was a boy of Ole,
Who was mean, dirty and often stole.
But one day he was caught
And for Christmas he got naught
But an empty stocking full of coal.
Go to the top

A Dream of Christmas
I had kindled the hearth to warm my toes and started some Hickory brew
To heat up my insides as well, as another December day was through.
And breathing in that wholesome scent, I closed my worn eyes tight
Resolved that I might dream a bit that cold and snowy night.
In the almost formless shadows, the quiet cabin came alive.
Whispering messengers delivered me gifts as the clock struck Ten-and-Five:
The crackle of the fire, the creaking of the floor,
The childlike wintry whining of the wind beneath the door.
Like an echo ever-coming, sounds bounced from every cob:
From the eaves to the boards to my ivory doorknob.
And then in fright and worry I spun around in place
And there before my ornate mantle crept the shadow of a face.
The shadow bore a beard that stretched almost from sight.
It flickered and it quivered in the muted candlelight.
It seemed to hold immense respect for whom it reflect
And in that moment it was enough just to stay circumspect.
But as my nerves were calming enough to clearly think
The most surprising, brilliant light forced my eyes to blink.
There when I reopened them in beauty that made me gape
Were glistening elven sprites about and Santa donned in velvet cape.
Lo! It was the grandest thing to watch that cheerful pack
Race to lace the finest ruby ribbons round my tree and back.
From Santa's sleeves red ringing bells shot out like from a gun
Followed by green garlands and globes that filled the room as he spun.
Betwixt this glorious tumult open flew my shutter doors,
A gusty wind freezing cold the candles to their cores.
Gone was all illumination, in black the chamber stood.
I heard but recapitulation of the horn owl in the wood.
Then again the hearth flames livened allowing me to see -
No Christmas bells rang anywhere; no ribbons wrapped my tree.
My visit from Santa Claus had been but reverie.
So with a smile I lay me down to again with Santa be.

The Wreath is on the Door
The wreath is on the door
And the snow is on the tree
God has laid His holy hands
On all that we can see.
Be quick to raise your voice
And praise what He has brought.
Keep now His love in every choice
And Christmas in every thought.

A Winter Limerick
There once was a man made of snow,
Who grew happy and bigger whene'er the wind would blow.
But some kids playing a trick
Gave him a candle and a wick
And soon he was only H2O.
IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMASI write this in September
And I can already see my breath
Because the temperature is falling
To fifty degrees or less;
There are frosted mornings
And skies are turning gray;
Next thing, there'll be snowdrifts
Fit for a sleigh.
In stores, they're gearing for Halloween
With pumpkins on display;
After October 31, we'll count the days
To shop til Kris Kringle Day;
Just when I thought the craze was over
And the presents were put away,
Alas! I hear Santa "ho-hoing",
It's nearly Christmas Day.
Christmas is a magical time,
Is there any doubt?
But I'm going to need a psychotherapist
To get my anxeties out!
The sugarplums might be dancing,
But they're messing up my mind;
The silver bells aren't doing much
To help me unwind.
September comes and October goes,
November is just a glance;
Once again, there'll be invitations
To another holiday dance;
I'll decorate the Christmas tree
With icicles, stars, and lights,
But I'll need a ton of eggnog
To get me through this night!
--Joel Bjorling, Gilson, USA Age 58
Go to the top
There is one last present under the Christmas tree,
I wonder whose it is?
Is it for the little girl with the rocking horse,
Or is it for Grandma or Aunt Liz?
It looks so lonely,
Sitting there by itself;
It’d certainly be an awesome addition
On "somebody’s" shelf.
The ribbon is gold,
The paper is paisley red;
"Who does it belong to?"
Keeps rattling in my head;
I decided to snatch a peek,
And see whose name is on the card;
It’d only take a second,
It won’t be very hard.
When no one was looking,
I reached under the tree,
Carefully handling the package,
"Who knows, it may be for me!"
But when I read the card,
I thought it was extraordinarily odd,
Because the message read,
"Love and blessings," God.
--Joel Bjorling
Go to the top
A Christmas Kiss
Rejoice that we are all together
For a day like this.
Two things keep us happy, warm
A Christmas hug from you my dear
And in return a Christmas Kiss.
Merry Christmas from the heart,
To ones I hope will never part.
Go to the top
I Wish That I Could Wrap Up Christmas
I wish that I could wrap up all the love and Holiday cheer
That comes along with Christmas and with New Year's every year,
Pack it in a pretty box and put it on my shelf
And pull it down again each year and give it to myself.
I wish that I could tie up all my favorite carols with twine,
Wind around some ribbon, too, and for twelve months call them mine
Until the next Yuletide came when the sounds again could be unfurled
And untie every single one then give them to the world.
Go to the top
Reason for the Season
When eggnog's generously filling
Each and every Christmas mug
And siblings tour miles and miles
To greet you with a hug
There's scarce else I'll be wishing
Than this simple little prayer
Of peace and calm and blessings much
On Christmas Day this year.
Go to the top
Bundled Bird
Bundled bird,
It is Christmas time, so sing for us again.
Beautiful bird,
With magical rhyme, bring us smiles again.
Hold us please,
With every word, bundled bird,
Shake the snow,
Spread your wings, sing and let us in.
Bundled bird,
Warm from the storm; share your melody
It is Christmas time,
Sing once more and we will always love thee.
Go to the top
Again That Time of Year is Here
Again that time of year is here
When wreaths elves lights appear
The hue of Santa's suit and sleigh
Adding color the wintry skies of gray
Until pansies roses tulips grow
Melting all of the Season's snow
But I like holly gifts Advent more
Than all that springtime holds in store
For it's this I'll tell you I so adore:
Again that time of year is here
When wreaths elves lights appear.
Go to the top
Three Wise Men
Three wise men knowing not who you are
Ride across the desert following only a star.
Three wise men in honor of your birth
Ride across the desert chanting, "Peace on Earth".
Three wise men, wise by God's own hands
Ride across the desert traveling from distant lands.
Listen baby Jesus, sacred gift from Heaven handed down to Earth
Three wise men ride tonight to see your Holy mirth.
Go to the top
The Winter Heart
Wish but one wish when winter comes,
Dream but one dream of the past.
The light from a fire is in all our homes
But the flames from the hearth won't last.
For faint and few are the embers,
Snuggle up and keep on your gloves;
What the Winter Heart always remembers
Is the warmth of a heart that loves.
Go to the top
I walk the wicked winter wind
I walk the wicked winter wind
That dances up like nightlife
And almost am turned as snow is
To hibernate
Just one last time within your arms.
Go to the top
A Christmas Limerick
There once was a boy of Ole,
Who was mean, dirty and often stole.
But one day he was caught
And for Christmas he got naught
But an empty stocking full of coal.
Go to the top
A Dream of Christmas
I had kindled the hearth to warm my toes and started some Hickory brew
To heat up my insides as well, as another December day was through.
And breathing in that wholesome scent, I closed my worn eyes tight
Resolved that I might dream a bit that cold and snowy night.
In the almost formless shadows, the quiet cabin came alive.
Whispering messengers delivered me gifts as the clock struck Ten-and-Five:
The crackle of the fire, the creaking of the floor,
The childlike wintry whining of the wind beneath the door.
Like an echo ever-coming, sounds bounced from every cob:
From the eaves to the boards to my ivory doorknob.
And then in fright and worry I spun around in place
And there before my ornate mantle crept the shadow of a face.
The shadow bore a beard that stretched almost from sight.
It flickered and it quivered in the muted candlelight.
It seemed to hold immense respect for whom it reflect
And in that moment it was enough just to stay circumspect.
But as my nerves were calming enough to clearly think
The most surprising, brilliant light forced my eyes to blink.
There when I reopened them in beauty that made me gape
Were glistening elven sprites about and Santa donned in velvet cape.
Lo! It was the grandest thing to watch that cheerful pack
Race to lace the finest ruby ribbons round my tree and back.
From Santa's sleeves red ringing bells shot out like from a gun
Followed by green garlands and globes that filled the room as he spun.
Betwixt this glorious tumult open flew my shutter doors,
A gusty wind freezing cold the candles to their cores.
Gone was all illumination, in black the chamber stood.
I heard but recapitulation of the horn owl in the wood.
Then again the hearth flames livened allowing me to see -
No Christmas bells rang anywhere; no ribbons wrapped my tree.
My visit from Santa Claus had been but reverie.
So with a smile I lay me down to again with Santa be.
The Wreath is on the Door
The wreath is on the door
And the snow is on the tree
God has laid His holy hands
On all that we can see.
Be quick to raise your voice
And praise what He has brought.
Keep now His love in every choice
And Christmas in every thought.
A Winter Limerick
There once was a man made of snow,
Who grew happy and bigger whene'er the wind would blow.
But some kids playing a trick
Gave him a candle and a wick
And soon he was only H2O.
Changes to the blog from Nutcracker Headquarters
Good Afternoon, it's now 4:07 here at the Nutcracker headquarters at the North Pole and cold as can be. We have added some new additions to our blog and hope you have fun using them. Our chief engineer elf Umar has added the Christmas radio for all of you to enjoy 24 hrs a day. Now we understand you may have favorite stations you like to listen to and so we have given you the option to chose the station you want to listen to and a few of our own favorites including the North Pole station which plays our holiday favorites. We do also understand that for some who are using the dial up internet connection the play may be a bit trivial and slower until it is completely downloaded. Please be patient or if it gets to be more troublesome than worth it, please just turn off the station by clicking the stop button on the player and it will stop. If others are having troubles unknown, please feel free to post a comment below on this post and we will address it with Umar.
Also above the Christmas radio, is something fun for all ages, we have installed our own coloring book where kids of all ages can paint and color various pages from Santa's personal collection, from Rudolph to Christmas trees. Then print them off and add them to your own collection or fridge. Good night and sleep tight, when you look up at the stars tonight , we will be thinking of you and your holiday wishes.
Also above the Christmas radio, is something fun for all ages, we have installed our own coloring book where kids of all ages can paint and color various pages from Santa's personal collection, from Rudolph to Christmas trees. Then print them off and add them to your own collection or fridge. Good night and sleep tight, when you look up at the stars tonight , we will be thinking of you and your holiday wishes.
Let's stop for a cocoa break!!!!
We wanted to share our secret Hot Cocoa recipe with you, prepared specially for Santa by our Nutcracker Elves themselves. They wanted to let each of you share in the love and delicious joy of preparing it yourselves and enjoy throughout the holiday season.
1. Take 1/2 cup of Hershey's Cocoa and place in a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of cinnamin, and 1/8 teaspoon of salt. Now place in large sauce pan and place on the stove top on medium heat. Now add in 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and 1 cup of sugar and 6 1/2 cups of hot water. Now stir slowly until all mixture is smooth and mingled together. Now as the heat slowly begans to boil, add in 1 can (14 oz.) Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed milk (not evaporated milk) or 4 cups of regular 2 percent milk your preference here. Then stir until all mixture is smooth and creamy and add marshmellows if you like. Now pour into cups and serve. Mmmmm! Makes a wonderful wintery night cozy indeed. We here at the Nutcracker headquarters know for sure that Sant's own elves like ours here, take cocoa breaks and this is their mixture.
1. Take 1/2 cup of Hershey's Cocoa and place in a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of cinnamin, and 1/8 teaspoon of salt. Now place in large sauce pan and place on the stove top on medium heat. Now add in 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and 1 cup of sugar and 6 1/2 cups of hot water. Now stir slowly until all mixture is smooth and mingled together. Now as the heat slowly begans to boil, add in 1 can (14 oz.) Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed milk (not evaporated milk) or 4 cups of regular 2 percent milk your preference here. Then stir until all mixture is smooth and creamy and add marshmellows if you like. Now pour into cups and serve. Mmmmm! Makes a wonderful wintery night cozy indeed. We here at the Nutcracker headquarters know for sure that Sant's own elves like ours here, take cocoa breaks and this is their mixture.
How to build your very own wooden nutcracker doll!
1 Gather the pieces of wood required for the nutcracker. Decide on the nutcracker's use once it is done. Will it be used as a decorative piece or will it actually be used to crack nuts? If just used decoratively, you do not need to be choosy about the type of wood used. If a fully functional Nutcracker is desired, a very hard wood should be used, especially for the mouthpiece because it needs to go through a lot of wear. The size really does not matter but the measurements are given for the nutcracker as an example.
Gather the wood for the body. Three blocks are needed for the head (green), chest (black) and waist (blue). Each of these pieces of wood need to be the same width and shape but with different heights. Each should be about 6 inches across and cylindrical in shape with a rounded edge around the top and bottom edges. The head should be approximately 6 inches high. The waist should be approximately 4 inches high. The chest needs a little bit more work because it needs to be cut into pieces for the mouth pivot joint. The chest should be approximately 3 inches high. Cut the chest piece into three segments of 2 inches wide each. Set aside the middle segment for future steps and keep the two outer segments for the body.
Gather the wood for the legs (purple), feet (gray) and base (orange). The wood for the legs needs to be cylindrical in shape and approximately 7 inches high or as tall as the chest and waist pieces from Step 2. The legs need to be wider on top (2-1/2 inch diameter) and taper slightly at the bottom (1 inch diameter), like chair legs. The feet need to be slightly wider than the tapered bottom of the legs, so approximately 1.5 inches in diameter and about 1 inch high. Cut a half circle about 1 inch in diameter out of the wood for the feet, as shown in the diagram below. This is so that the feet may fit over the bottom of the legs when the feet are in a horizontal position. The base needs to be the largest piece of wood and sturdy to support the whole nutcracker. Based on the 6-inch-diameter body, the base board can be approximately 8 to 10 inches square and about 1 inch thick.
Gather the wood for the arms (red) and hands (yellow). The arms need to be cylindrical in shape, approximately 7 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter with rounded edges at the top and bottom. The hands need to be about 1 inch long and 3/4 inch wide with one edge completely rounded and the other end flat.
Create the pivot joint (turquoise). This is the joint that allows the mouth to be opened and closed and it requires the most work. The pivot joint attaches to the chest pieces from Step 2, one on either side. The pivot joint should be one solid piece of wood so that it is very strong, as this will take a lot of wear. Use the middle section that was cut out in Step 2 to judge the size of the wood that needs to sit between the chest pieces. It should be slightly thinner than the middle piece that was removed. For the example nutcracker, the middle piece should be approximately 1.75 inches wide, 2.75 inches high and 5.5 inches deep. Also, be sure to round the lower edge of the front to give the pivot space to turn. The tail of the pivot piece needs to be at least 7 to 8 inches long and taper to a nearly sharp edge, as seen in the diagram below. Drill a hole in the middle of the upper part of the pivot piece as wide as the thin wood stick (approximately 0.25 inch wide and 2.75 inches long). The stick needs to allow a 0.5-inch of length protrusion on either side of the pivot piece. Put some glue into the hole of the pivot piece to attach the stick securely and allow it to dry completely. Drill a 0.25-inch-wide, 0.5-inch-deep hole into the inner side of each of the chest pieces. Fit the pieces together to see if the pivot joint works. Glue a few inches of frizzy gray felt to the front and slightly under the pivot joint for the beard of the nutcracker.
Assemble the nutcracker as seen in the diagram below. Each of the pieces has been color-coded as described in each of the previous steps, so the diagram shows how all the pieces will go together when done. Begin putting it together with the head (green), chest (black), mouth/pivot joint (turquoise) and waist (blue). Lay the waist piece on a flat surface and glue one of the chest pieces to one end of the waist and allow it to dry. Fit the wooden stick of the pivot joint (already pushed through the pivot piece) into the drilled hole of the chest piece. Attach the second chest piece to the waist piece, so that the drilled hole also allows the other end of the wooden stick to fit through it. Attach the headpiece on top of the two outer chest pieces, but be careful not to get any glue on the mouth/pivot joint because this piece needs to move freely. Allow the glue to dry completely, which will lock the pivot joint firmly into place. Attach the legs (purple) and feet (gray) to the baseboard (orange) and allow it to dry completely. Attach the body to the legs and base and allow it to dry completely. Glue the hands to the arms. Finally, attach the arms to the chest and waist piece. Use a nail in the shoulders to firmly attach the arms to the body.
Decorate the nutcracker with paint and frizzy gray hair. The colors are up to you but one possible color scheme is shown in the diagram below. Feel free to add or change colors as desired. Make sure that a mouth and teeth are painted on the pivot piece and the head, which creates a mouth that opens and closes with the pivot. The frizzy gray hair can be attached to either side of the head after the paint has dried. A small triangular wood piece may be attached to the face with glue or just painted on.
Let's involve the entire family!!!
The story of the Nutcracker Prince is an enchanting Christmas classic written by E.T.A Hoffman. It's a story of adventure, romance and bravery. Every member of the family has heard at one time or another the story of the young girl called Clara, who dreams of becoming a ballerina. Her uncle gives her a small nutcracker doll. He told her the tail of the doll and how he had once been a real boy, but the wicked mouse queen had transformed him into a Nutcracker - Prince of the dolls. During the night all Clara's dolls come to life and she finds herself in the middle of an adventure and a war between her toys and the Mouse King. Read the book or watch the film of the Nutcracker Prince, and see what happens.
Tonight we want to show you how to create your very own Nutcracker Prince to hang on your Christmas tree. Let him keep watch over the toys and the other ornaments. For those who would rather instead create Clara we have this instructional process. It's easy, and can be fun for the whole family. So grabe your paint, your felt tip pens and glue and come on, it's time to have some fun.
Ok, first gather your list of items that will soon come to life right before your very eyes and become the Nutcracker Prince and Clara. You will need...
Two dolly pegs, felt tip pens, paint, PVA glue, black card and a small amount of ribbon and lace.
To make the Nutcracker price doll, paint the main body red but leave a triangle at the top to look like he's wearing a jacket. Paint the tips of the peg black to represent his shoes. Paint the head of the peg with short hair.
Draw on the Nutcrackers face with felt tip pens once the paint is dry. And give him some buttons.
To make his hat cut a long thin strip of black card and roll it up tight to make a solid cylinder. Glue the end down. Cut out a 'D' shape of black card to make a peak for the hat. Stick the 'D' on the nutcracker's head, and stick the roll of card on top of that and leave to one side to dry.
To make Clara the ballerina, paint the body of the peg the colour of Clara's ballerina dress. Paint the tips of the peg the colour of Clara's ballerina shoes and add some 'X' up the peg legs for the ballet shoe ribbons. Paint some brown hair on the peg head and draw on a face with felt tip pens when the paint is dry.
Use a piece of ribbon or lace to Finnish the ballerina dress. You will need the ribbon or lace to be the same length as the peg. Sew a row of small running stitches up one of the long edges. Draw up the thread so that the fabric ruffles to form a skirt. Wrap it around the peg and tack the two ends of fabric together. Hold the skirt in place on the peg with a small amount of glue.
Peg the decorations on the branches of the Christmas tree. But be careful, they might come to life in the middle of the night!
Ok Now here's a fun experiment for the more avid nutcracker fan and one your parent will definately need to help you with. This is dangerous and requires tools that your mom and dad will have. If all of these tools can be either rented from any local rental store. Here we go.
Tonight we want to show you how to create your very own Nutcracker Prince to hang on your Christmas tree. Let him keep watch over the toys and the other ornaments. For those who would rather instead create Clara we have this instructional process. It's easy, and can be fun for the whole family. So grabe your paint, your felt tip pens and glue and come on, it's time to have some fun.
Ok, first gather your list of items that will soon come to life right before your very eyes and become the Nutcracker Prince and Clara. You will need...
Two dolly pegs, felt tip pens, paint, PVA glue, black card and a small amount of ribbon and lace.
To make the Nutcracker price doll, paint the main body red but leave a triangle at the top to look like he's wearing a jacket. Paint the tips of the peg black to represent his shoes. Paint the head of the peg with short hair.
Draw on the Nutcrackers face with felt tip pens once the paint is dry. And give him some buttons.
To make his hat cut a long thin strip of black card and roll it up tight to make a solid cylinder. Glue the end down. Cut out a 'D' shape of black card to make a peak for the hat. Stick the 'D' on the nutcracker's head, and stick the roll of card on top of that and leave to one side to dry.
To make Clara the ballerina, paint the body of the peg the colour of Clara's ballerina dress. Paint the tips of the peg the colour of Clara's ballerina shoes and add some 'X' up the peg legs for the ballet shoe ribbons. Paint some brown hair on the peg head and draw on a face with felt tip pens when the paint is dry.
Use a piece of ribbon or lace to Finnish the ballerina dress. You will need the ribbon or lace to be the same length as the peg. Sew a row of small running stitches up one of the long edges. Draw up the thread so that the fabric ruffles to form a skirt. Wrap it around the peg and tack the two ends of fabric together. Hold the skirt in place on the peg with a small amount of glue.
Peg the decorations on the branches of the Christmas tree. But be careful, they might come to life in the middle of the night!
Ok Now here's a fun experiment for the more avid nutcracker fan and one your parent will definately need to help you with. This is dangerous and requires tools that your mom and dad will have. If all of these tools can be either rented from any local rental store. Here we go.
Nutcrackers are devices used to crack nuts open, allowing people to eat the meat within. Nutcrackers come in many forms including simple wood screw types with little decorative value or the more decorative standing wooden nutcrackers known throughout the world. Standing wooden nutcrackers were first seen in Germany around 1800. In 1872, the first commercial production of nutcrackers was begun by Wilhelm Füchtner. Today, a few famous companies produce high-quality nutcrackers, such as Steinbach and others. Lower-quality nutcrackers are made elsewhere, such as in China or Japan. This guide shows how to make a basic standing wooden nutcracker with a fully functional nut-cracking ability. Each piece is color-coded and diagrammed for easy reference. Ok for this instruction tune in to the next blog post !!!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
What was your favorite holiday animation tune?
Good Night and Sleep Tight from all of us here at the nutcracker headquarter. We wants to leave you with a bit of Christmas Trivia. In the comments, and please start leaving your comments about the website, there is a comment box to click on right below every blog post. We encourage your view and comments. It's what makes us better. Even if you came on this blog expecting to buy nutcrackers, we do have links to the very best. But don't leave without posting. Oh now where was I? Oh yes. Christmas trivia. In all the animated cartoons of your childhood, or Christmas song, what is your favorite holidaye tune and was there a fruit, nut, or item listed that you can name found in the song? Post your comments with the answers, we will be gleefully waiting.
The Christmas Nutcracker Season is Upon us once again!!!
Hello and welcome to Nutcracker Land. We will be posting several exciting and updated Nutcracker bits of information to all of those who both collect nutcrackers or who just love the thrill of the memories our favorite Nutcrackers bring us. The way they fill out homes with the Christmas spirit, and the past memories of days long gone, the simplicity of the hand made craftsmen and a snow filled window sill as we peered out into the moonlit white of our yards and pastures. We hope that al of you will stay tuned to our site as we add new things to it and post informative and fun filled information involving Nutcrackers and Christmas. Of course Nutcrackers were not always as our past posts have advised, been involved in Christmas. Fact is, they were originally used as sort of a rebellious symbol, by the pooror classes who like so many of our lower and middle class citizens today. The painted faces of policemen, were meant to poke fun at the cruel and rigid law enforcement of their day. The kings and royal figures, meant to poke a gestful laugh as their leaders and political figures, when they were either too afraid or too downtrodden by the upper wealthy classes to do anything else. So when you buy that funny faced soldier this year to add to your collection, be careful, he may just have a bit of rebel in him lol. Seriously however, we here at the Nutcracker Headquarters want to use our sights during these hard times, to spread the Christmas love and cheer to all who pass our door. Take some of this same good will with you as you leave and spread it to another who just might be in need of it whether you realize it or not. Our post tonight is going to list the up coming Christmas movies coming out this December. Check your calendars and go see one.
Jingle All the Way HALMRK Nov 25, 7PM
Hoops & Yoyo Ruin Christmas CBS Nov 25, 8PM
Elf on the Shelf: An Elf's Story
CBS Nov 25, 8:30 PM
Debbie Macomber's Trading Christmas HALMRK Nov 26, 7PM
Matilda ABCFAM Nov 27, 7:30AM
Snow ABCFAM Nov 27, 9:30AM
Snow 2: Brain Freeze ABCFAM Nov 27, 11:30AM
PANDORA Unforgettable Holiday Moments on Ice NBC Nov 27, 4PM
Christmas Cupid ABCFAM Nov 27, 6PM
Holiday Engagement HALMRK Nov 27, 8PM
Desperately Seeking Santa ABCFAM Nov 27, 8PM
Desperately Seeking Santa ABCFAM Nov 27, 10PM
Scrooged TBS Nov 28, 8PM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer CBS Nov 29, 8PM
Christmas In Rockefeller Center 2011 NBC Nov 30, 8PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol
Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too ABCFAM Dec 1, 6:30PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 1, 7PM
CMA Country Christmas ABC Dec 1, 9PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 2, 8PM
The Great Rupert - A Christmas Wish TCM Dec 3, 9AM
A Princess for Christmas HALMRK Dec 3, 8PM
It's a Wonderful Life NBC Dec 3, 8PM
The Bishop's Wife TCM Dec 4, 10AM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 5, 6PM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the Island of Misfit Toys ABCFAM Dec 5, 7PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 5, 8:30PM
A Christmas Carol (1938) TCM Dec 5, 9:45PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 5, 10:30PM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 6, 6PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 6, 6:30PM
A Michael Buble Christmas NBC Dec 6, 8PM
A Christmas Story TCM Dec 6, 9PM
A Very Pink Christmas ABCFAM Dec 7, 6PM
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 7, 9PM
It's a Wonderful Life on NBC
Dec. 3 and Christmas Eve 2011
Spotlight on:
It's a Wonderful Life
George: Now you listen to me! I don't want any plastics! I don't want any ground floors, and I don't want to get married – ever – to anyone! You understand that? I want to do what I want to do ....
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 8, 6PM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 8, 7PM
Cranberry Christmas ABCFAM Dec 8, 7:30PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 8, 8PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 8, 9PM
A Miser Brothers' Christmas ABCFAM Dec 8, 10PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 9, 6PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 9, 7PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 9, 8PM
Frosty the Snowman CBS Dec 9, 8PM
Frosty Returns CBS Dec 9, 8:30PM
Yes, Virginia CBS Dec 9, 9PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 9, 10PM
A Miser Brothers' Christmas ABCFAM Dec 9, 12AM
Snow ABCFAM Dec 10, 7:30AM
Snow 2: Brain Freeze ABCFAM Dec 10, 9:30AM
Happy Feet ABCFAM Dec 10,11:30AM
Unaccompanied Minors ABCFAM Dec 10, 2PM
Jack Frost (1998) ABCFAM Dec 10, 4PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 10, 6PM
Annie Claus is Coming to Town HALMRK Dec 10, 8PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 10, 8PM
The Flight Before Christmas CBS Dec 10, 9PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 10, 10PM
Dr. Seuss on the Loose ABCFAM Dec 11, 7AM
A Very Pink Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 7:30AM
Once Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 8AM
Twice Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 10AM
Christmas in Connecticut TCM Dec 11, 10 AM
Snowglobe ABCFAM Dec 11, 12PM
Santa Baby ABCFAM Dec 11, 2PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 11, 4PM
Holiday in Handcuffs ABCFAM Dec 11, 6PM
12 Dates of Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 8PM
The Christmas Pageant HALMRK Dec 11, 8PM
Santa Who? ABCFAM Dec 12, 7AM
A Flintstone Christmas ABCFAM Dec 12, 6PM
12 Dates of Christmas ABCFAM Dec 12, 7PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 12, 9PM
Meet the Santas ABCFAM Dec 13, 7AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 13, 6PM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 13, 6:30PM
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 13, 7PM
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 13, 7:30PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 13, 8PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 13, 10:30PM
The Great Rupert - A Christmas Wish TCM Dec 13, 11:45 PM
Santa Claus: The Movie ABCFAM Dec 14, 7AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 14, 5PM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 14, 5:30PM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 14, 6PM
Pixar Short Films ABCFAM Dec 14, 6:30PM
Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo ABCFAM Dec 14, 8:30PM
Chasing Christmas ABCFAM Dec 15, 7AM
Christmas Do-Over ABCFAM Dec 15, 9AM
A Chipmunk Christmas ABCFAM Dec 15, 6PM
Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo ABCFAM Dec 15, 6:30PM
Beauty and the Beast ABCFAM Dec 15, 9PM
Christmas in Boston ABCFAM Dec 16, 7AM
Three Days ABCFAM Dec 16, 9AM
Mickey's Christmas Special ABCFAM Dec 16, 6PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 16, 6:30PM
Beauty and the Beast ABCFAM Dec 16, 7PM
Christmas in Washington TNT Dec 16, 8PM
The Bishop's Wife TCM Dec 16, 8PM
Disney Pixar's Up ABCFAM Dec 16, 9PM
Christmas in Connecticut TCM Dec 16, 10PM
Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey ABCFAM Dec 17, 7AM
The Little Drummer Boy ABCFAM Dec 17, 7:30AM
Pinocchio's Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 8AM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 17, 9AM
Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 10:AM
Cranberry Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 10:30AM
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 17, 11AM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 17, 12PM
A Miser Brothers' Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 1PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 17, 2PM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 17, 3PM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 17, 3:30
Disney Pixar's Up ABCFAM Dec 17, 6PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story ABCFAM Dec 17, 8PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 17, 10PM
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ABCFAM Dec 17, 11PM
Christmas Comes Home to Canaan HALMRK Dec 17, 8PM
The Story of Santa Claus CBS Dec 17, 9PM
A Chipmunk Christmas ABCFAM Dec 18, 7AM
Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 18, 7:30AM
The Search for Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 18, 9:30AM
Richie Rich's Christmas Wish ABCFAM Dec 18, 11:30AM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 18, 1:30PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 18, 4PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story ABCFAM Dec 18, 6PM
Christmas Magic HALMRK Dec 18, 8PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story 2 ABCFAM Dec 18, 8PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story 2 ABCFAM Dec 18, 10PM
Picking Up & Dropping Off ABCFAM Dec 19, 7AM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 19, 11AM
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 19, 11:30AM
I'll Be Home For Christmas (1998) ABCFAM Dec 19, 1:30PM
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ABCFAM Dec 19, 3:30PM
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 19, 6PM
Aladdin ABCFAM Dec 19, 6:30PM
Disney Pixar's The Incredibles ABCFAM Dec 19, 8:30PM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 19, 12AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 19, 12:30AM
Scrooge (1970) TCM Dec 19, 1 AM
Ernest Saves Christmas ABCFAM Dec 20, 7AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 20, 11AM
Unaccompanied Minors ABCFAM Dec 20, 11:30AM
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ABCFAM Dec 20, 1:30PM
Aladdin ABCFAM Dec 20, 4PM
Mickey's Christmas Special ABCFAM Dec 20, 6PM
Disney Pixar's The Incredibles ABCFAM Dec 20, 6:30PM
Deck the Halls TNT Dec 20, 9PM
Saturday Night Live Presents: A Very Gilly Christmas NBC Dec 20, 9PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 20, 9PM
Holiday Affair TCM Dec 20, 11PM
A Flintstone Christmas ABCFAM Dec 20, 12AM
Christmas Every Day ABCFAM Dec 21, 7AM
Sons of Mistletoe ABCFAM Dec 21, 9AM
The Dog Who Saved Christmas ABCFAM Dec 21, 11AM
Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 21, 1PM
The Search for Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 21, 3PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 21, 5PM
Disney Prep & Landing ABCFAM Dec 21, 7PM
Disney Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice ABCFAM Dec 21, 7:30PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 21, 8PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 21, 10PM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 21, 12AM
The Christmas List ABCFAM Dec 22, 7AM
Christmas Caper ABCFAM Dec 22, 9AM
Secret Santa ABCFAM Dec 22, 11AM
Once Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 22, 1PM
Twice Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 22, 3PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 22, 5PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 22, 7PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 22, 9PM
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 22, 12AM
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 22, 12:30AM
Snowglobe ABCFAM Dec 23, 8AM
Christmas Cupid ABCFAM Dec 23, 10AM
Santa Baby ABCFAM Dec 23, 12PM
Santa Baby 2 Christmas Maybe ABCFAM Dec 23, 2PM
Holiday in Handcuffs ABCFAM Dec 23, 4PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 23, 6PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 23, 8PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 23, 10:30PM
A Christmas Carol (1938) TCM Dec 23, 11AM
Scrooge (1970) TCM Dec 23, 6PM
Christmas Eve
The Little Drummer Boy ABCFAM Dec 24, 7AM
The Little Drummer Boy Book II ABCFAM Dec 24, 7:30AM
Cranberry Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 8AM
Puff the Magic Dragon ABCFAM Dec 24, 8:30AM
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 24, 9AM
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax ABCFAM Dec 24, 9:30AM
Pinocchio's Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 10AM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 11AM
Rudolph & Frosty's Christmas in July ABCFAM Dec 24, 11:30AM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Island of Misfit Toys ABCFAM Dec 24, 1:30PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 24, 3PM
Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too ABCFAM Dec 24, 3:30PM
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 24, 4PM
Disney Prep & Landing ABCFAM Dec 24, 5PM
Disney Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice ABCFAM Dec 24, 5:30PM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 24, 6PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 24, 7PM
It's a Wonderful Life NBC Dec 24, 8PM
A Christmas Story (marathon begins) TBS Dec 24, 8PM
Miracle On 34th Street (1947) TCM Dec 24, 8PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 24, 8PM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 24, 9PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 24, 11:30PM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 1:30AM
The traditional A Christmas Story marathon
begins at 8PM Christmas Eve on TBS
Spotlight on:
A Christmas Story
Ralphie: I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
Mom: No, you'll shoot your eye out.
Christmas Day
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 25, 7AM
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 25, 7:30AM
Pinocchio's Christmas ABCFAM Dec 25, 8:30AM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 25, 9:30AM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 25, 10AM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 25, 10:30AM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 25, 11:30AM
Disney Christmas Parade ABC Dec 25, 12PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 25, 12:30PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 25, 1:30PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 25, 3:30PM
King of Kings TCM Dec 25, 5PM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 25, 5:30PM
Going My Way TCM Dec 25, 8PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 25, 8PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 25, 10PM
Sound of Music ABC Dec 26, 7PM
Kennedy Center Honors CBS Dec 27, 9PM
New Year's Eve
New Year's Rockin' Eve: 40th Anniversary Party ABC Dec 31, 8PM
ABC Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve ABC Dec 31, 10PM
New Year's Eve with Carson Daly NBC Dec 31, 10PM
Jingle All the Way HALMRK Nov 25, 7PM
Hoops & Yoyo Ruin Christmas CBS Nov 25, 8PM
Elf on the Shelf: An Elf's Story
CBS Nov 25, 8:30 PM
Debbie Macomber's Trading Christmas HALMRK Nov 26, 7PM
Matilda ABCFAM Nov 27, 7:30AM
Snow ABCFAM Nov 27, 9:30AM
Snow 2: Brain Freeze ABCFAM Nov 27, 11:30AM
PANDORA Unforgettable Holiday Moments on Ice NBC Nov 27, 4PM
Christmas Cupid ABCFAM Nov 27, 6PM
Holiday Engagement HALMRK Nov 27, 8PM
Desperately Seeking Santa ABCFAM Nov 27, 8PM
Desperately Seeking Santa ABCFAM Nov 27, 10PM
Scrooged TBS Nov 28, 8PM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer CBS Nov 29, 8PM
Christmas In Rockefeller Center 2011 NBC Nov 30, 8PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol
Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too ABCFAM Dec 1, 6:30PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 1, 7PM
CMA Country Christmas ABC Dec 1, 9PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 2, 8PM
The Great Rupert - A Christmas Wish TCM Dec 3, 9AM
A Princess for Christmas HALMRK Dec 3, 8PM
It's a Wonderful Life NBC Dec 3, 8PM
The Bishop's Wife TCM Dec 4, 10AM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 5, 6PM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the Island of Misfit Toys ABCFAM Dec 5, 7PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 5, 8:30PM
A Christmas Carol (1938) TCM Dec 5, 9:45PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 5, 10:30PM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 6, 6PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 6, 6:30PM
A Michael Buble Christmas NBC Dec 6, 8PM
A Christmas Story TCM Dec 6, 9PM
A Very Pink Christmas ABCFAM Dec 7, 6PM
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 7, 9PM
It's a Wonderful Life on NBC
Dec. 3 and Christmas Eve 2011
Spotlight on:
It's a Wonderful Life
George: Now you listen to me! I don't want any plastics! I don't want any ground floors, and I don't want to get married – ever – to anyone! You understand that? I want to do what I want to do ....
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 8, 6PM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 8, 7PM
Cranberry Christmas ABCFAM Dec 8, 7:30PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 8, 8PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 8, 9PM
A Miser Brothers' Christmas ABCFAM Dec 8, 10PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 9, 6PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 9, 7PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 9, 8PM
Frosty the Snowman CBS Dec 9, 8PM
Frosty Returns CBS Dec 9, 8:30PM
Yes, Virginia CBS Dec 9, 9PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 9, 10PM
A Miser Brothers' Christmas ABCFAM Dec 9, 12AM
Snow ABCFAM Dec 10, 7:30AM
Snow 2: Brain Freeze ABCFAM Dec 10, 9:30AM
Happy Feet ABCFAM Dec 10,11:30AM
Unaccompanied Minors ABCFAM Dec 10, 2PM
Jack Frost (1998) ABCFAM Dec 10, 4PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 10, 6PM
Annie Claus is Coming to Town HALMRK Dec 10, 8PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 10, 8PM
The Flight Before Christmas CBS Dec 10, 9PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 10, 10PM
Dr. Seuss on the Loose ABCFAM Dec 11, 7AM
A Very Pink Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 7:30AM
Once Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 8AM
Twice Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 10AM
Christmas in Connecticut TCM Dec 11, 10 AM
Snowglobe ABCFAM Dec 11, 12PM
Santa Baby ABCFAM Dec 11, 2PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 11, 4PM
Holiday in Handcuffs ABCFAM Dec 11, 6PM
12 Dates of Christmas ABCFAM Dec 11, 8PM
The Christmas Pageant HALMRK Dec 11, 8PM
Santa Who? ABCFAM Dec 12, 7AM
A Flintstone Christmas ABCFAM Dec 12, 6PM
12 Dates of Christmas ABCFAM Dec 12, 7PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 12, 9PM
Meet the Santas ABCFAM Dec 13, 7AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 13, 6PM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 13, 6:30PM
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 13, 7PM
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 13, 7:30PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 13, 8PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 13, 10:30PM
The Great Rupert - A Christmas Wish TCM Dec 13, 11:45 PM
Santa Claus: The Movie ABCFAM Dec 14, 7AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 14, 5PM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 14, 5:30PM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 14, 6PM
Pixar Short Films ABCFAM Dec 14, 6:30PM
Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo ABCFAM Dec 14, 8:30PM
Chasing Christmas ABCFAM Dec 15, 7AM
Christmas Do-Over ABCFAM Dec 15, 9AM
A Chipmunk Christmas ABCFAM Dec 15, 6PM
Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo ABCFAM Dec 15, 6:30PM
Beauty and the Beast ABCFAM Dec 15, 9PM
Christmas in Boston ABCFAM Dec 16, 7AM
Three Days ABCFAM Dec 16, 9AM
Mickey's Christmas Special ABCFAM Dec 16, 6PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 16, 6:30PM
Beauty and the Beast ABCFAM Dec 16, 7PM
Christmas in Washington TNT Dec 16, 8PM
The Bishop's Wife TCM Dec 16, 8PM
Disney Pixar's Up ABCFAM Dec 16, 9PM
Christmas in Connecticut TCM Dec 16, 10PM
Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey ABCFAM Dec 17, 7AM
The Little Drummer Boy ABCFAM Dec 17, 7:30AM
Pinocchio's Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 8AM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 17, 9AM
Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 10:AM
Cranberry Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 10:30AM
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 17, 11AM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 17, 12PM
A Miser Brothers' Christmas ABCFAM Dec 17, 1PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 17, 2PM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 17, 3PM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 17, 3:30
Disney Pixar's Up ABCFAM Dec 17, 6PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story ABCFAM Dec 17, 8PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 17, 10PM
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ABCFAM Dec 17, 11PM
Christmas Comes Home to Canaan HALMRK Dec 17, 8PM
The Story of Santa Claus CBS Dec 17, 9PM
A Chipmunk Christmas ABCFAM Dec 18, 7AM
Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 18, 7:30AM
The Search for Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 18, 9:30AM
Richie Rich's Christmas Wish ABCFAM Dec 18, 11:30AM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 18, 1:30PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 18, 4PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story ABCFAM Dec 18, 6PM
Christmas Magic HALMRK Dec 18, 8PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story 2 ABCFAM Dec 18, 8PM
Disney Pixar's Toy Story 2 ABCFAM Dec 18, 10PM
Picking Up & Dropping Off ABCFAM Dec 19, 7AM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 19, 11AM
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 19, 11:30AM
I'll Be Home For Christmas (1998) ABCFAM Dec 19, 1:30PM
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ABCFAM Dec 19, 3:30PM
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 19, 6PM
Aladdin ABCFAM Dec 19, 6:30PM
Disney Pixar's The Incredibles ABCFAM Dec 19, 8:30PM
Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special ABCFAM Dec 19, 12AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 19, 12:30AM
Scrooge (1970) TCM Dec 19, 1 AM
Ernest Saves Christmas ABCFAM Dec 20, 7AM
Merry Madagascar ABCFAM Dec 20, 11AM
Unaccompanied Minors ABCFAM Dec 20, 11:30AM
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ABCFAM Dec 20, 1:30PM
Aladdin ABCFAM Dec 20, 4PM
Mickey's Christmas Special ABCFAM Dec 20, 6PM
Disney Pixar's The Incredibles ABCFAM Dec 20, 6:30PM
Deck the Halls TNT Dec 20, 9PM
Saturday Night Live Presents: A Very Gilly Christmas NBC Dec 20, 9PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 20, 9PM
Holiday Affair TCM Dec 20, 11PM
A Flintstone Christmas ABCFAM Dec 20, 12AM
Christmas Every Day ABCFAM Dec 21, 7AM
Sons of Mistletoe ABCFAM Dec 21, 9AM
The Dog Who Saved Christmas ABCFAM Dec 21, 11AM
Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 21, 1PM
The Search for Santa Paws ABCFAM Dec 21, 3PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 21, 5PM
Disney Prep & Landing ABCFAM Dec 21, 7PM
Disney Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice ABCFAM Dec 21, 7:30PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 21, 8PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 21, 10PM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 21, 12AM
The Christmas List ABCFAM Dec 22, 7AM
Christmas Caper ABCFAM Dec 22, 9AM
Secret Santa ABCFAM Dec 22, 11AM
Once Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 22, 1PM
Twice Upon a Christmas ABCFAM Dec 22, 3PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 22, 5PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 22, 7PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 22, 9PM
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 22, 12AM
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 22, 12:30AM
Snowglobe ABCFAM Dec 23, 8AM
Christmas Cupid ABCFAM Dec 23, 10AM
Santa Baby ABCFAM Dec 23, 12PM
Santa Baby 2 Christmas Maybe ABCFAM Dec 23, 2PM
Holiday in Handcuffs ABCFAM Dec 23, 4PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 23, 6PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 23, 8PM
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas ABCFAM Dec 23, 10:30PM
A Christmas Carol (1938) TCM Dec 23, 11AM
Scrooge (1970) TCM Dec 23, 6PM
Christmas Eve
The Little Drummer Boy ABCFAM Dec 24, 7AM
The Little Drummer Boy Book II ABCFAM Dec 24, 7:30AM
Cranberry Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 8AM
Puff the Magic Dragon ABCFAM Dec 24, 8:30AM
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat ABCFAM Dec 24, 9AM
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax ABCFAM Dec 24, 9:30AM
Pinocchio's Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 10AM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 11AM
Rudolph & Frosty's Christmas in July ABCFAM Dec 24, 11:30AM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Island of Misfit Toys ABCFAM Dec 24, 1:30PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 24, 3PM
Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too ABCFAM Dec 24, 3:30PM
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 24, 4PM
Disney Prep & Landing ABCFAM Dec 24, 5PM
Disney Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice ABCFAM Dec 24, 5:30PM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 24, 6PM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 24, 7PM
It's a Wonderful Life NBC Dec 24, 8PM
A Christmas Story (marathon begins) TBS Dec 24, 8PM
Miracle On 34th Street (1947) TCM Dec 24, 8PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 24, 8PM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 24, 9PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 24, 11:30PM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 24, 1:30AM
The traditional A Christmas Story marathon
begins at 8PM Christmas Eve on TBS
Spotlight on:
A Christmas Story
Ralphie: I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
Mom: No, you'll shoot your eye out.
Christmas Day
Mickey's Christmas Carol ABCFAM Dec 25, 7AM
Jack Frost (1979) ABCFAM Dec 25, 7:30AM
Pinocchio's Christmas ABCFAM Dec 25, 8:30AM
Frosty's Winter Wonderland ABCFAM Dec 25, 9:30AM
'Twas the Night Before Christmas ABCFAM Dec 25, 10AM
Rudolph's Shiny New Year ABCFAM Dec 25, 10:30AM
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town ABCFAM Dec 25, 11:30AM
Disney Christmas Parade ABC Dec 25, 12PM
The Year Without a Santa Claus ABCFAM Dec 25, 12:30PM
The Santa Clause ABCFAM Dec 25, 1:30PM
Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ABCFAM Dec 25, 3:30PM
King of Kings TCM Dec 25, 5PM
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ABCFAM Dec 25, 5:30PM
Going My Way TCM Dec 25, 8PM
The Polar Express ABCFAM Dec 25, 8PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ABCFAM Dec 25, 10PM
Sound of Music ABC Dec 26, 7PM
Kennedy Center Honors CBS Dec 27, 9PM
New Year's Eve
New Year's Rockin' Eve: 40th Anniversary Party ABC Dec 31, 8PM
ABC Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve ABC Dec 31, 10PM
New Year's Eve with Carson Daly NBC Dec 31, 10PM
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