Created for all:With a touch of magic

Created for all:With a touch of magic
Since the 11th century

Monday, December 7, 2015

Gather our families around us and celebrate!

Hey there nutcracker fans and all you kids awaiting Santa's visit. Tonight we are all to remember your first Christmas. The reason for all the magic. The reason you first believed. That first cold Christmas night when the stars Shined their brightest. Gather your family together and have a special moment to share each other's memories.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Purchase rare nutcracker dolls!

Good day my readers! We are excited to announce begginging December 1st we will be debuting various nutcracker handcrafted dolls for sale! Made by local and national craftsman these dolls will be 1 of a kind. Prices will be posted with text and phone numbers to purchase the rare once a year dolls. Tune in December 1st and don' t miss out on what is set to be a tradition here at nutcracker headquarters.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

welcome! and have a merry christmas

Hey there Christmas fans. We are gearing up for the holidays. The reindeer are so excited and chomping at their oats for the magic ride. We are anxious to hear from all of you and your Christmas expectations and wishes. Come in and check out our site and each magic section.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

how to make your country what you want it to be.

Hello fellow nutcracker fans. Tonight we want to speak on something dear to our members. Its how to change our culture back to a simpler place. Remember one very important thing. People control their choices.what you buy, where you buy it from, who you chose to support in an election or who you chose to be. One voice becomes many. If you want the simpler life back, take it back with large choices that shut down the big companies. You don't want a mall or arcade or great family programming to disappear, chose to not use it's competitors. If you want to stop bullying what do you do? Support the bully? Join him? Ignore it? Noooo you support the underdog because you don't want that kind of thing in your neighborhood. People create trends not companies. Think about it. We hold the power to take it back.